Vaadake laia valikut meie liftilahendustest, mis on kohandatud erinevatele vajadustega hoonetele.
A revolutionary autowalk solution that requires no pit and offers unparalleled flexibility
KONE InnoTrack ™ is the first autowalk that doesn’t need a pit. Its revolutionary modular design makes it ideal for improving people flow in existing buildings. You can easily adjust the length, change the color, and reinstall the autowalk in another location.
Meie "lihtne mõista" juhend annab Teile kogu info, mida vajate eskalaatorite ja käigutee lahenduste planeerimisel, sisaldades ka infot ehituse regulatsioonide ja ohutuse kohta.
The KONE InnoTrack is the world's first autowalk that doesn’t need a pit, meaning it can be installed in finished buildings on any floor and easily lengthened or shortened as required.
Vaadake laia valikut meie liftilahendustest, mis on kohandatud erinevatele vajadustega hoonetele.
Lugege lisa KONE hoolduslahenduste kohta
Product name
| Description (+type)
| Segment
| Maximum rise
| Speed
| Inclination
| Duty cycle
| Environment
TravelMaster™ 110
| escalator | Commercial, retail, hotel, office
| 13 m
| 0.4, 0.5 m/s
| 30°, 35°
| 12-16 hours/day
| Indoor, outdoor, semi-outdoor
TravelMaster™ 115
| Inclined autowalk | Commercial, retail, hotel, office
| 8 m
| 0.4, 0.5 m/s
| 10°, 11°, 12°
| 12-16 hours/day
| Indoor, semi-outdoor
TransitMaster™ 120
| escalator | Infrastructure
| 15 m
| 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75 m/s | 27.3°, 30°, 35° | 20-24 hours/day | Indoor, semi-outdoor, outdoor
TransitMaster™ 140
| escalator | Infrastructure
| 18 m
| 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75 m/s | 27.3°, 30° | 20-24 hours/day | Indoor, outdoor |
TransitMaster™ 165
| horizontal autowalk | Infrastructure
| 15-60 m
| 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75 m/s
| 0-6°
| 20-24 hours/day
| Indoor, semi-outdoor |
TransitMaster™ 185
| horizontal autowalk | Infrastructure
| 15-100 m
| 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75 m/s
| 0-6°
| 20-24 hours/day
| Indoor, semi-outdoor |